You Are Soooo Screwed
by Anthony Duane Walker
posted by WORLD NEWSSTAND August 10, 2005
As you read this, keep in the mind the US supreme court just ruled on eminent domain……..the ruling states in a nutshell that your property can be taken for the greater public good. Mistee is having his property confiscated for the ‘better good’ of an unknown city project. Land across the street has already been confiscated, all under ‘zoning ordinances.’ They are criminalizing Mistee’s ownership by giving the sheriff permission to arrest Mistee if he steps onto his property and goes into what he used to think was his home. When the city fathers decide to widen Montano in Albuquerque, many who own homes will lose them to eminent domain. Will they be paid for them, or will a new ‘zoning ordinance’ make the taking of the properties ‘cheap.’
You don’t own your property, the state does. That’s why you have a deed instead of absolute title. Doesn’t matter if you think it’s free and clear. You pay taxes on it and that’s your annual rent to the state/county/city for the use of the property you paid for and are supposed to maintain. Everything that is put in the county record is sent to the attorney general. The attorney general is the general overseeing the property of the state.
You don’t own your cars, boats, airplanes. You have ‘certificates of title.’ Where’s the title? Why not ask the inspector general of the state where you live? The inspector general is the general overseeing the movable property of the state.
Our country is divided into federal zones. Who is over these zones and the people in them? Maybe it’s time to investigate the postmaster general. Could that be the general in charge of all the birth certificates that conveyed you into the ownership of the ‘state’? Why do most countries have postmaster generals? Why are these generals all overseen by the UPU out of Berne Switzerland? Who do they answer to? Lynn
So subtle is this slavery that the citizens are entrapped by their own ignorance
Your Will Was Probated
Real Property
It’s Pure Law
Take Back Your Estate
What Have You Lost or Gained
Be Your Own Lawyer
The Constitution
Political Action Groups
It may come as a surprise to realize that your Will was probated the day you were born. Yes, it is true. The very day you were born by accident into the United States is the day you died to the Law of the Republic. /78 In other words, by operation of law, you were born into the corporate municipal legislative democracy of Washington, D.C..
It is presumed that everyone born into this country since 1933 has wanted to be a part of the public policy of the municipal corporation of the District of Columbia. This is because the public trust was established by public policy when the gold was removed as a standard in payment of debt. Up until the gold was removed, less than 51% of the population was involved as beneficiaries of the 14th Amendment trust. The moment the gold standard was removed, more than 51% of the population automatically became members of the trust. This meant the private municipal trust could be moved into the public sector to become public policy because the amount of the population volunteering for the benefits indicated a public desire. In addition, the trust was confirmed by the U.S. (S)upreme (C)ourt decision of Erie Railroad v. Tompkins in 1938 saying “there is no general federal common law.” In other words, it is now presumed that everyone is a 14th Amendment “person” as implied by law and so silence on the part of the citizen is his consent to be treated as a “constructive trustee” and as primarily being a United States citizen.
Despite the suspension of the fixed gold standard, the path to liberty for the individual lies in the state court of probate because the general common law of the soil still lies in the state courts.
“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. /79 There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holdings illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other goods, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and the government created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state /80 [Bracket information added]
Make no mistake, Congress is going to re-establish the gold standard in the near future, but it will be unfixed. The establishment of the unfixed gold standard will not change the law back to the way it was before 1933. Just because the Congress re-establishes the gold standard does not mean the masses of people will automatically be back under public municipal law. It will still mean that if the individual wants to be free of the oppressive government of private law, it will take the individual effort for each to expatriate from the democracy back to the Republic. In reality, returning to the non-fixed gold standard will only instill confidence in the people via a hard money system in the now crumbling credit system that has only the belief of the people as its real value. In effect, those who expatriate now are under the non-fixed gold standard. When the unfixed gold standard is re-established by Congress, those who remain as 14th Amendment citizens will still be 14th Amendment citizens under the compelled performance of the democracy despite the return of the gold standard. It will continue to be your right of choice as to whether you want to be governed by a Republican form of government under public municipal law or a democracy under private law.
Real Property
There is absolutely no reason why anyone should lose his real property to this communistic system – democracy. The reason people do lose their property is because they are 14th Amendment citizens. As 14th Amendment citizens, you have only an equitable interest in the property. Technically speaking, you have legal and equitable interest, but you cannot execute upon the legal interest. This is because, as 14th Amendment citizens, you have no access to the Law side of the court. With equitable interest, you cannot prove superior title to access the land as a citizen of the soil, which is the proper name for a non- 14th Amendment citizen. You must remember that it is your standing in the law that determines whether you have access to the Law to save your land. It is not determined by the title to the land as all land titles in the United States of America are allodial. Thus, land titles deal with land. Jurisdiction of the 14th Amendment deals only with the person in relation to his interest in the land. A commercial system cannot create credit against the substance of the common law – land. They can only create it through the person under the 14th Amendment.
Within the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote:
“… all Men are … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable /81 Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness -“
You will notice that real property is not listed as an “unalienable” Right. This is because real property was the absolute substance that made the individual sovereign (absolute king in his own right) in America – it was the common law. In the feudal systems of Europe, the kings and the church were considered as the absolute authority or sovereign, because they owned the land. Jefferson did not consider real property even remotely close to falling into an alienable or unalienable Right because the substance of the land was the basis of that liberty. Land could not be pledged in commerce because it is unmovable and is the substance of the common law. You cannot take sovereignty (land) from a sovereign. Sovereignty, after all, implies that nothing can be more supreme than supremacy so supremacy cannot yield its essence ( land) to another. However, the sovereign can give sovereignty up by his or her choice – as per the 14th Amendment. The people hold the land. If the land were considered to be a substance that could be alienated by the government, the government would be the sovereign or king and the people would be the serfs again as in Medieval Europe. Remember, the land is the law. He who controls the land controls the law.
“The power to alienate the unpeopled territories of any state, is not among the enumerated powers, given by the Constitution to the general government, and if we go out of that Instrument and accommodate to exigencies which may arise by alienating the unpeopled territory of a state, we may accommodate ourselves a little more by alienating that which is peopled, and still a little more by selling the people themselves.” /82
Within the 14th Amendment, the people have had their property reclassified into an alienable Right as in Roman civil law. The result is that the people have been sold into slavery (serfdom) of the trust. Thomas Jefferson said, “The land belongs to the living.” When a person is civilly dead to the law, he is as good as being physically dead – he or she cannot own property in the absolute sense.
It’s Pure Law
The question that often is raised by individuals who were aware of the hurdles of the court system is, “How are you assured that you will be dealt with fairly in the court system?”
First of all, we know the lower court judges are going to be ignorant of public municipal law for private purposes or the separation of powers principles. They have been born and raised, so to speak, in the trust system and all its Codes. The only way we may get due process is to Appeal to the appellate courts. In other words, when you deal with issues of law, the lower courts want those issues dealt with by the more qualified higher courts.
The second question that follow is, “How do you know the [s]upreme [c]ourt /83 of the United States will hear your case?” Many may not know that there are two floors to the [s]upreme [c]ourt building itself. The second floor has not been used since 1933 when the people gave up their law – their gold. The second floor represents a higher law. It is that higher law that is being accessed with this approach. Anytime the higher law is at issue – U.S. constitutional issue – the [s]upreme [c]ourt has to hear the case. There is no option.
Fourteenth Amendment citizens do not have the prerogative of being heard at that level of law because they are operating at law outside the Constitution.
Take Back Your Estate
It seems that if one seriously questions the government’s tax and economic policy, or challenges the tax collecting agencies, that he will be labeled a “tax protester.” Remember, a “tax protester” is a 14th Amendment person who is required to file a return and pay a tax. However, you must take aim at the agencies that are the trusters of your estate and when you do, you will be dealing directly with the Internal Revenue Service and the taxing agencies of your state. Taking back your estate means revoking the gift held in trust – “constructive trust” held by the taxing agencies. [Review footnote 24 on constructive trusts]
Starting the process of moving your political choice back under republican laws requires that you state your Will. That is, you must make a public declaration of what your political Will is under the Constitution. Do you want to be a part of the public policy – the trust – or do you want to be able to use public municipal law for your private benefit. Making your Will known requires that your declaration be specific as to your desire about severing the trust.
It is generally recognized that the acceptance of a beneficial testamentary gift, evidenced by signing a IRS W-4 form or similar tax form, will convey the same results as voting. The opinion has been frequently expressed that renunciation of such a gift, in order to be effective, must be express, clear and unequivocal, as by some positive act or statement of the beneficiary./84 The following could be your Will by declaration and thus your political decision to choose the Republican form of government. Pay attention to the content of the sample declaration. Content is important.
Declaration of Independence
I, John [and/or Jane Doe] in the name of the Almighty Creator, By [my/our] Declaration of Independence solemnly Publish and Declare [my/our] Right to expatriate absolute, [my/our] res in trust to the foreign jurisdiction known as the municipal corporation of the District of Columbia, a democracy, and return to the Republic. Any and all past and present political ties implied by operation of law or otherwise in trust with the democracy is hereby dissolved. I, John [and/or Jane Doe] have full power to contract, establish commerce as guaranteed by the full 10 Amendments to the Bill of Rights to the Constitution of the [u]nited States of America, a Republic.
So Done this _________ day of ______________, 19____.
Signed, _______________________________
Address _____________________________________________
Affirmed and subscribed before me this __________ day of __________, 19___
Name of Notary _______________________
Notary Public Seal
Publishing your Declaration of Independence according to your state’s Legal Notice Statute fulfills this requirement. Some states require the Legal Notice to be published only once, other states require three times, some more, etc.. Check your Legal Notices in your state Statute books. Note: Some newspapers will want to put the declaration under Public Notice which is OK.
A word of caution. Some people have filed their “Notice” in the court without advertising in the newspaper. If your state Statute books require a “Notice” to be published in the newspaper and you do otherwise, the system does not have to recognize the “Notice,” so beware.
You must start your process of severing the Trust by filing your Declaration of Independence. Once you have filed it and it has been advertised, the newspaper will send you back an Affidavit of Publication. This will be one of the “Exhibits” you will use as evidence to the probate court of your will. What Have You Lost Or Gained In the 14th Amendment trust, you were offered benefits. When you move back to the Republic, you lose those benefits and you gain freedoms. Here are a few examples.
Table 2
Relative property rights
Absolute property rights
Compelled performance, guilty until proved innocent
True liberty to volunteer, innocent until proved guilty
Social Security
Develop own security
All government aid
Pursue interests without interference
Government supervision
Develop own standards
Indirect Taxes
Only direct taxes. Truer value to every dollar one earns from financial pursuits
Full right to contract with anyone for anything without licenses
Be Your Own Lawyer
Did you know that your state’s Attorney General’s office is not within the true government (non-commercial) complex? In fact, you may find it housed with the tax collecting and enforcing agencies. This is because they are there only to handle private law for public commercial purposes. This is why all attorneys have the title “attorney at law.” They are only licensed to practice private law for public commercial purposes.
Only the individual, as a non-14th Amendment citizen, can be an attorney “in law.”/85 This is because you, as the governed, control the absolute law when in the Republic. You can exercise control over the grant that authorizes those who have the privilege – franchise – to use private “at law” /86 and its equity for public commercial purposes. In other words, the individual has the power, as a citizen of the Republic, to torpedo and destroy private commercial law ventures that are being misused for public commercial purposes to his or her detriment.
We are each personally obligated by the Declaration of Independence to individually challenge unjust private law, making unjust commercial policy that violates our personal liberty. When we all personally and individually gain the inspiration of the Declaration of Independence as the early citizenry of this country did, we will each see “… a long train of abuses and usurpations … to reduce them [us] under absolute despotism, it is their [our] right, it is their [our] duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their [our] future security. … to alter their [our] former systems of government.” Each of us functioning in this individual capacity can act as a majority to destroy the “despotism” of private law operating as public policy opposing our absolute freedoms.
In the Republic, the majority does not rule – the individual rules. The Constitution is designed to protect the minority from the majority because it provides for the private individual to use public laws to protect his personal belief system from the majority.
If you decide to pursue expatriation by using 15 Statute at Large and filing your declaration, you need to be aware that you cannot use as precedent law that others have gone this way before you. In other words, you cannot use the fact that someone else has expatriated and gone through the probate court to have their trust under the 14th Amendment severed as a reason why the court should act only on your behalf. Each case is individual and separate and is based on pure Statute and case law. What Joe Blow does has no bearing on your case in the court.
Licensed lawyers are not going to be of any help. Typically they are only familiar with pleading the Codes under the 14th Amendment. In fact, their title “Attorney at Law” says it all. It means they are licensed to practice in private commercial law. They can only function in Article I courts at Law. Few attorneys will even understand this subject because they are schooled that the state is sovereign.
The Constitution
As a political document, the U.S. Constitution is little read and poorly understood. Yet it outlines the incredible ways that a truly free people can obtain and retain liberty. Unless certain aspects of its structure and meaning are understood, it will be impossible to realize the true genius of the document as it reveals the pure principles of liberty.
The Constitution embraces two systems of law.
First, public municipal law for private purposes operating in personam (in and for the individual person).
Second, private law for public purposes operating in rem (in and for property or anything that has nothing to do with the individual).
What is hard to initially understand is that the men who wrote this document wrote it in such a way that it would allow for the very things that government is doing today that we detest so much. All of the despicable Regulations and interference of “big brother,” with his detested heavy-handed tactics are all properly allowed by our Constitution. They are perfectly legal. This is because the United States government is allowed to operate outside the Constitution because it is operating in private Roman civil law. It is not treasonous for it to carry on the way it does, but it is treasonous that the citizenry are ignorant of their republican rights that can keep the government in check by removing the Roman civil law.
Of the two systems of law that the Constitution embraces, the entire population have been herded, over the years, into operating only in the private unilateral contractual side. This is the side where we have volunteered unknowingly into giving up the part of the Constitution that was designed to keep the private law out of public policy if used, accessed and maintained by the people.
What is unfortunate is that the citizen continues to assume that voting is making their desires known and that the government basically has the interest of the individual in mind. All the time unaware that private corporate business interest is what the government is there for (at this point) because the house of the Republic of the [u]nited States of America (ignorantly vacated) remains empty.
Table 3 is an attempt to contrast the two sides to the Constitution and how you are affected by them when you are operating in that area. The statements are intended to be self- explanatory. This table may form the basis of seminar discussions on moving yourself back into the Republic.
Table 3
Political Constitution
Economic Constitution
Statutes at Large (positive law)
Code Pleading (non positive law)
Bill of Rights
Amendments 11 to 25
in Law (“in jure” = in law by right)
at law
Article III Courts of judicial Power in Law and Equity
Article I Courts also called Territorial Courts – referred to as Legislative or Ecclesiastical Courts
Law of land
Negotiable Instrument Law – all debt must be paid
Law of sea
Limited liability in maritime venture for payment of debt
Statutes are public municipal law to be used for private purposes – acts on person (in personam)
Revised Statutes are private national law for public purposes “in rem.” Rem acts on the “res” or “the thing.”
de jure government (inside Constitution)
de facto government (outside Constitution) Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17
General Law
Sustained by “Swift v. Tyson”
Local Law
Sustained by ” Erie RR v. Tomkins”
Gold Standard
Public Law Merchant uses no inflation – true productivity productivity is key. Prices at par value
Uniform Commercial Code
Private Merchant use inflation to fund growth – false production. No fixed standard
Bilateral Contracts
Where there is a meeting of the minds. Two party transaction. No compelled performance.
Unilateral (implied) Contracts
Where there is a silent third party involved in compelling performance. Trust Law.
Common Civil Law
jus non scriptum
Roman Civil Law
Admiralty-Maritime Privilege jus pontificum fas (ecclesiastical-church law)
Absolute Rights and title to self and property. Substance of Public Law is the rights of man.
Relative Rights to self and property. Substance of private law is the conscience of trust. Operates
under Art. IV, Sec. 4, “No corruption of blood” (cannot interfere with estate)
Operates under Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 4 – (can interfere with estate under private “implied” contracts)
Non-14th Amendment individual
14th Amendment “person”
Private individual
Individual considered commercial person or “goods in commerce” for servicing public debt. Also referred to by state as “human resource.”
Freedom of conscience of individual, beholding to no one.
Freedom of consciense as long as it agrees with the majority or the masses.
Democratic Republic
“states in this union”
Administrative Democracy
“several states of the union”
“the” territory
“a” territory
Separation of Powers (separation of church and state)
No separation of powers (no separation of church and state)
No communal relationship
Confederacy under Articles of Confederation and N.W. Ordinance.
Direct Taxes
Indirect Taxes
15 Statue at Large is designed to keep federal courts from taking jurisdiction. Courts cannot take judicial notice of 14th Amendment.
All courts take jurisdiction through the 14th Amendment until one proves otherwise. Codes are streamlined private interpretation of statutes at large for public purpose. Codes allow the courts to take judicial notice of 14th Amendment. Codes apply to anyone who has not made a public notice of his political choice (Will) by declaration.
Doctrine of compliments
Special individualism
No individualism
Innocent until proved guilty.
Burden of proof rests with the accuser.
Guilty until proved innocent.
Burden of proof rest with the accused.
Plead to the Law or Statute for defense. Law awards damages and Equity on this side. Compels performance of award.
Res judicata – judgment bases on merits of case and legal precedence. Courts tell what the intent of legislation. Issue already decided, have no legal recourse.
Fixed in place and time as in permanent domicile or resident. Real-substance matter and content. Heart-Soul-Spirit
Twilight Zone, Quasi Law. No time and place. Only exist in abstract space. Artificial-abstract false and theoretical, Conscience, Changeable.
Individual incentive and true production.
No initiative and no true production.
Political Action Groups
If you are trying to be involved in shaping public policy, you are trying to use private law for public purposes or private church law to manipulate public commercial policy. No one really wants to have a church or another individual, without the option of choice, dictate what he should think or do. Yet what is happening with special interest groups is just that. Political action groups, also called special interest groups, i.e, environmental, health, labor, industrial associations, state, county/borough/city coalitions, religious foundations, etc., are nothing more than individuals who have banded together because of a common belief of conscience. Their endeavor is to put pressure on the lawmakers of the 14th Amendment trust to pass laws that favor their beliefs. If they are successful, then the laws that result become the policy of the trust that bind the rest of the 14th Amendment trust beneficiaries whether they like it or not. If they don’t, then another special interest group is formed to try and counter the previous one and so it goes, ad nauseam. The politicians become the pawns of the most powerful special interest groups.
The only way to change public policy is to prevent private law from having any part in making public policy. This can only be accomplished by each individual acting separately and independently using Public Laws for private purposes. The only way the individual can do this is to move out of the public charitable religious trust that is making the public policy and take back his estate into his absolute control. Remember, Public Laws are laws that guarantee separation of powers so private conscience laws cannot dictate public policy. All political action groups have failed to make any difference, because of their inability to recognize that our nation was established first and foremost as an assembly of individuals acting independently in their own best interest without harm to another – basic general common law.
Even if political action groups went so far as to foster a constitutional convention, the basic Constitution could not be changed. What the citizen is unaware of is that the first ten Amendments to the Constitution, called the Bill of Rights, were passed as public in Law Amendments by the “states in this union” known as the Republic of the United States of America. These do not apply to the “several states” that are political subdivisions of “a territory” of the 14th Amendment trust of the District of Columbia called the “democracy.” In the opposite vein, Amendments 11 through 25 were passed as private at law Amendments by the “several states” operating as political subdivisions of the trust and have no application to the Republic and its citizens. Amendments 11 through 25 function outside the Constitution. Any additional Amendments that would be added by a constitutional convention would be added as more private law only by the “several states” as a “democracy” outside the Republic and its Constitution. The more Amendments the democracy wants to add will not give more freedom and rights, on the contrary, only more oppression and control.
Any special interest group who says that the Constitution is going to be changed and/or repudiated in the future does not understand what it is talking about.
First, because the repudiation of the Constitution was started by the passing of the 14th Amendment in 1868 and completed by the people giving up their law (gold) in 1933 to move out from under the Republic and its absolute constitutional protected rights to parliamentary democracy, and
Second, because the basic Constitution of the Republic can only be changed by the people of the Republic and there is nobody living there. The only changes to the Constitution that the 14th Amendment trust democracy, and its political interest groups, can make as to the Amendments that it made for itself and its citizens – that only comes with more control and oppression.
As long as the people of the democracy continue to function under the group mentality (based on mob rule of opinion polls under the Roman civil law), more and more demands are put on the private commercial system. The more claims for benefits from the system, the greater the tyranny and oppression required to make the people perform to the debt and the interest on the debt that is created in order to supply the peoples demands. It is the debt, and its uncontrolled interest, that is causing the production of the American worker a halt. He is being taxed in ever increasing amounts and ways to try and pay for the national debt he has unknowingly and voluntarily demanded by his silence, a silence that is financing his destruction.
Government produces nothing, it can only take away. Why can’t the people see that the same thing is happening in the government today that happened in those 147 communist social experiments in the early days of our country? The non – producers overwhelmed the producers to cause a total collapse of the commune.
It is bizarre how the people of our nation sense something is drastically wrong, both politically and economically, and yet keep making all manner of beneficial claims (now they are pushing for national health insurance), the very cause of our national economical illness. It seems that no none can see the forest for the trees. No one can see that they must unequivocally stop all demands from the government and become self-sufficient at all cost. When individuals change their standing in the law from 14th Amendment citizens, dependent on the social insurance trust, to non-14th Amendment citizens who are self-sufficient operating under the Public Law merchant – our nation will change and not before.
Having been exposed to most of the information from various factions of the “patriot” sector on how to get back our rights under the Constitution, none have ever addressed the real issues of law. The groups that are claiming victories in their skirmishes with big brother are not winning on issues of law, rather the wins are nothing more than the result of technical knockouts. Their skill at discovering procedural fouls of either rules or Codes that govern the system they are an intimate part of, is the measure of their success or failure. Even with a legal win, under the 14th Amendment trust and its conscience, there is nothing to prevent the trust from institution new proceedings at a later date. This is because the conscience of the trust is altered according to expediency. The real issues of law, that are the foundation of our political system, continue to evade the so-called “patriot.”
“If laws are to have a binding force, it follows that, in view of the right of self-consciousness, they must be universally known … . To hang the laws so high that no citizen could read them (as Dionysius the tyrant did) is injustice of one and the same kind as to bury them in row upon row of learned tomes, collections of dissenting judgments and opinions, records of customs, etc., and in a dead language too, so that knowledge of the law of the land is accessible only to those who have made it their professional study.”/87
Hegel’s comments are extremely appropriate for today even though they were written in the last century. What has been discovered is comparable to a revisiting of the chambers where our founding fathers met in secret. They purposely disguised some of the language in terms that would not allow tampering and loss of basic issues of law that are the foundation of the Republic. A foundation based on the common civil law without the private conscience of any church/charitable organization.
Yes, it is the peoples’ fault – our fault for allowing a complacency about our liberty to put us to sleep. In the beginning of our country, every household studied the law as much as they studied their Bibles. They came to appreciate knowing and using the Law more than any modern day attorney. However, gradually the professional attorney at law dominated the political picture and this led to our lawmakers being better informed in private law for commercial purposes, because it was their specialty. Thus, our government and its vast majority of private “at law” law makers turned its citizens into people who only knew what it was like to operate under private church law controlling commercial public policy. This has given us a school system, both public and private, that is graduating students who have no idea what absolute freedoms of the Constitution mean. Students are born, bred and raised on the prejudice toward an old communal democracy being advertised as the New World Order where the state is sovereign, not the individual.
From the historical records, it is evident that our forefathers knew that at some point beyond their time, the majority of people of this nation would get enticed and prejudiced into an economic jurisdiction that would become repugnant. The Constitution allowed those repugnant jurisdictions, but it also made provision for one to walk away from them anytime they would individually choose. Knowing the law will allow one to do it and that is what this Treatise is all about.
FOOTNOTES 78. Civilly dead: dead in the view of the law; the condition of one who has lost his civil rights and capacities, and is accounted dead in law.
79. Not being subject to the 14th Amendment and its tax codes can reduce the loss of value of your money, because you are not losing it to the trust.
80. Alan Greenspan (1962), Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. Source Remnant Review, Newsletter, (June 16, 1989).
81. Rights that cannot be taken from you or transferred to another by government. You can, however, give these Rights up of your own free will without government interference.
82. Wills, Gary, Inventing America, Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence, quoted from Jefferson’s Commonplace Book, pages 142-47.
83. Supreme Court in its usage here is not capitalized, as in the original Constitution, to show that it is functioning as an Article III court.
84. Peter v. Peter, 343 Ill 493, 175 NE 846, 75 ALR 890; People v. Flamagin, 331 Ill 203, 162 NE 848, 60 ALR 305; Mackey v. Bowen, 332 Mass. 167, 124 NE2d 254; Garfield v. White, 326 Mass 20, 92 NE2d 575; Perkins v. Isley, 224 NC 793, 32 NE2d 588; Bacon v. Barber, 110 Vt 280, 6 A2d 9, 123 ALR 253.
85. To function “in law” means to function where the courts reveal your position in the Law which is not restrictive, because they are involved with promoting and expanding your unalienable rights by way of constitutional mandate.
86. To function at law and its equity means to function where the courts declare the law which is the will of the legislature in trust with the person. It is restrictive in nature, because there is no constitutional mandate due to the fact that it operates outside the Constitution.
87. Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, page 215.
All credit for this article should be given to Lee Brobst assisted by A.F. Beddoe
This webpage is unbelievable. The wonderful substance exhibits the administrator’s enthusiasm. I’m stunned and expect more such mind blowing entries.