The ZIP Code Issue:
Excerpts from a Personal Letter
Howard Freeman
November 11, 1988
Your letter asks for information on the ZIP Code pursuant to
something that appeared in the Justice Times some time ago. I
wish I had in my possession the article you refer to, so that I
could have some idea of what you already know, and could just
fill in the details of what you do not understand, but I do not
have that article, so I'll try to make the "ZIP Code Issue" clear
to you.
There are two entities, or nations, called "The United
States". One is the union of 50 independent States combined into
a 3-branch (Legislative, Executive & Judicial) Republican Form of
government under a contract called: The Constitution of the
United States of America. The Other is a 1-branch (Legislative)
Democracy, which arises out of the Constitutional Contract
wherein Congress (the Legislative Branch of the 3-branch
Republic) was given Exclusive rule over a body of people known
as: The Residents of the District of Columbia. It should be
obvious to anyone that, when a governing body (in this case
Congress) has "exclusive" rule over a people, you have a nation.
So, in America, we have a small nation, operating upon Roman
Civil Law principles, within a larger nation which operates upon
the principles of the Common Law, and is limited in its powers
and authority by the Constitutional Contract. I could spend the
rest of the day explaining the differences between Roman Civil
Law and the Common Law, but instead I will enclose a tape with
this letter to you, which will do that for me. Please do me the
honor of listening to this tape on both sides. Many people
reply, upon my inquiry about the tape I sent to them, that they
are too busy to listen to it, which remark I consider somewhat
insulting to me, when I have gone to the expense and trouble of
getting it into their hands.
As you know, the Republic called The United States, is
limited in what it can do by the Constitution, and that
Constitution limited its Congress to coining money out of silver
or gold, and limited its borrowing power to those two
commodities. The Legislative Democracy called: The United
States, using the same Congress as the Republic, only for its own
ends, has no limitation of any kind on what it might or might not
do, since Congress, working in behalf of the Legislative Party or
Democracy, has the power and authority to issue a paper currency,
and to declare it to be a "legal tender" for all debt public and
private. That Congress had no limitation in what it might borrow
either! So the National Debt that you hear so much about, came
from that Congress's power to borrow other than silver or gold,
which was bank credit from the International Banking Houses.
A Problem: What can the Bankers do? Easy solution, since
their money controls the news media: keep the citizens of the
Republic in the dark, get the lawyers busy, and figure ways of
entrapment, so that the Citizens of the Republic would think that
it was THEIR Congress that borrowed the bank credit, and that it
is their problem to pay the usury on that debt. Steps of Legal
Trickery follow:
1. The 14th Amendment, which is based upon Roman Civil Law,
supposedly replaced the 4th Amendment, which is based upon
the Common Law. That aspect of things is explained on the
tape enclosed, so I won't go into it here.
2. Have the Congress of the Republic fail in its duty to
provide a medium of exchange for its Citizens, thus forcing
them to do their trading in the "Legal Tender" paper which
the Congress of the Legislative Democracy has made
available. I will skip a few other steps here, and get to
the meat of the information you want, which concerns the ZIP
Code issue.
3. The Congress of the Republic must be enticed to consolidate
50 independent States into 10, not so independent, Federal
Regions. (What Congress creates, Congress can control, is a
legal principle.) Now, the same Congress that rules the
Legislative Democracy may rule the 10 Federal Regions,
provided the citizens thereof can be kept asleep, and not
claim their rights under the Federal and State
Constitutional Contracts.
4. Have the Post Office Department separate itself from the
Republic and, in its new independence, create two-letter
abbreviations for all States (contrary to the lawful State
abbreviations established by the Legislatures of most
States) and have the Post Office Department require this new
abbreviation on all subsidized mail, and suggest it on all
first class mail, along with the ZIP Code.
5. Page 11 of the ZIP Code Directory, which can be found in any
Post Office, will tell you that the first digit of every ZIP
Code number indicates the Federal Region in which the user
6. Now that the majority of the brainwashed public, belonging
to the Republic, are educated to employ the two-letter
abbreviations for their State, which abbreviations were
never adopted by the State Legislatures as the lawful State
abbreviations, those using said abbreviation are not making
a lawful claim of their State residency and, with the use of
the ZIP code in connection with the new two-letter State
abbreviation, they are making a lawful claim that they are
residents of the particular Federal Region in which they
reside, so they can now be ruled under Roman Civil Law and
tried in the Admiralty Courts of the Legislative Democracy.
7. With all of that in place, the Income Tax, which is employed
to pay the Usury on the National Debt owed by the
Legislative Democracy, now applies to the Citizens of the
Republic who fail to properly claim and establish their
rights as Citizens of their respective States.
8. It is made to appear "Progressive" in our Schools to refer
to America as a "Democracy", and somewhat "Reactionary" to
study the State and National Constitutions in our schools.
This keeps the public ignorant of the fact that the Congress
of the "Republic" is limited by Contract from passing any
penal statute of compelled performance upon the Citizens of
any State. The Internal Revenue Code is all that type of
statute, and those statutes ONLY apply to the residents of
the District of Columbia (see Article 1, Section 8, Clause
17 of the U.S. Constitution) and also to all those who
stupidly fail to claim their State residency and allow
themselves to be given to the status of citizens of the
United States (meaning the Legislative Democracy) claiming
themselves to be residents of a Federal Region which is
ruled over by the Democracy under Roman Civil Law.
The above is all needed information if you are to understand
the ZIP Code issue. I hope that I have not worn you out with my
explanation, as I have done with others, who ask me questions of
depth, and who only want some shallow, one-sentence reply.
One other caution before I close: The ZIP Code use, or non
use, is NOT a "silver bullet" solution to all problems, wherein
the Legislative Democracy, called the United States, forces
itself upon you. The enclosed tape will point out other
solutions. To properly handle oneself in order to keep out of
Legislative Article I Courts exercising Legislative Power, and
into the Article III Courts of the Republic which exercise
Judicial Power, is another whole study in itself. Again, let me
repeat: There Are No Silver Bullets for those who claim to be
too busy to study!